Alessandro Armando
Selected bibliography
Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti (Carocci 2017), with Giovanni Durbiano [Theory of architectural project. From drawings to effects]
Watersheds. A Narrative of urban recycle, with M.Bonino, F. Frassoldati (Sandu Publishing Co. 2015)
La soglia dell’arte, Peter Eisenman, Robert Smithson e il problema dell’autore dopo le nuove avanguardie (SEB 2009) [The threshold of art. Peter Eisenman, Robert Smithson and the problem of author after the new avant-gardes]
“Four diagrams and the architecture of the effects”, with M. Bonino, F. Frassoldati in: Watersheds. A Narrative of urban recycle (Sandu Publishing Co. 2015)
“The Process Diagram”, with M. Bonino, F. Frassoldati in: Watersheds. A Narrative of urban recycle (Sandu Publishing Co. 2015)
“Urban strategies for the future development of Turin and Skopje: economic crisis and effectiveness of urban design”, with O. Marina, S. Velevski in: The Europe of Tomorrow: Creative, Digital, Integrated, Skopje, 2014 (proceedings)
“Autori e produttori”, with Giovanni Durbiano in: Giovanni Durbiano, Etiche dell’intenzione (Marinotti 2014) [“Authors and producers”, in Ethics of intention]
“Il progetto come costruzione sociale e trasformazione fisica. Alcune tracce torinesi” in: S. Malcovati. F. Visconti, M. Caja, R. Capozzi, G. Fusco (eds.), Architettura e Realismo (Maggioli 2013) [“Architectural design as social construction and physical transformation”, in Architecture and Realism]
“Il caso del quadrante nord est dell’area metropolitana torinese”, with C. Lucchini in: D. Costi (ed.), Paesaggi della mobilità (MUP 2012) [“The case of the north-east sector in the metropolitan area of Turin”, in Landscapes of mobility]
“Dagli scenari alle procedure: il progetto come disegno degli effetti”, with Giovanni Durbiano in: S. Marini, V. Santangelo (eds.), Viaggio in Italia (Aracne 2013) [“From scenarios to procedures: the architectural project as the drawing of the effects”, in Etichs of intention]
“The values of the others”, with Giovanni Durbiano in: A. De Rossi (ed.), Grande scala: architecture, politic, form (List 2009)